China K3V63S K3V112S K3V140S K3V280S K3V280SH Hydraulic Pump | Partsdic®
K3V63S K3V112S K3V140S K3V280S K3V280SH Hydraulic Pump | Partsdic®
Lastly, the K3V280SH pump is a specialized version of the K3V280S, optimized for swash plate-type excavators. It offers all the features and capabilities of the K3V280S but with specific adaptations for excavator applications. The K3V280SH is designed to provide precise control and smooth operation in excavator boom, arm, and bucket movements, enabling operators to achieve precise digging and material handling.
Lastly, the K3V280SH pump is a specialized version of the K3V280S, optimized for swash plate-type excavators. It offers all the features and capabilities of the K3V280S but with specific adaptations for excavator applications. The K3V280SH is designed to provide precise control and smooth operation in excavator boom, arm, and bucket movements, enabling operators to achieve precise digging and material handling.