OEM K3V112S K3V140S K3V280S K3V280SH Hydraulic Pump | Partsdic®
K3V112S K3V140S K3V280S K3V280SH Hydraulic Pump | Partsdic®
Lastly, the K3V280SH is a specialized hydraulic pump specifically designed for the marine industry. It is equipped with a pressure compensator and a horsepower control mechanism, allowing it to efficiently handle the power requirements of marine systems. The K3V280SH has a maximum displacement of 280 cc/rev and can deliver a maximum pressure of 34.3 MPa. Its robust construction and corrosion-resistant materials make it suitable for marine vessels, offshore platforms, and other maritime applications.
Lastly, the K3V280SH is a specialized hydraulic pump specifically designed for the marine industry. It is equipped with a pressure compensator and a horsepower control mechanism, allowing it to efficiently handle the power requirements of marine systems. The K3V280SH has a maximum displacement of 280 cc/rev and can deliver a maximum pressure of 34.3 MPa. Its robust construction and corrosion-resistant materials make it suitable for marine vessels, offshore platforms, and other maritime applications.