OEM K3V63S K3V112S K3V140S K3V280S K3V280SH Hydraulic Pump | Partsdic®
K3V63S K3V112S K3V140S K3V280S K3V280SH Hydraulic Pump | Partsdic®
The K3V280SH is a specialized hydraulic pump designed for marine and offshore applications. It shares similar specifications with the K3V280S but includes additional features to meet the specific requirements of marine environments. The K3V280SH pump is built with corrosion-resistant materials and offers enhanced protection against harsh conditions such as saltwater exposure. It is designed to withstand high pressures and extreme operating temperatures.
The K3V280SH is a specialized hydraulic pump designed for marine and offshore applications. It shares similar specifications with the K3V280S but includes additional features to meet the specific requirements of marine environments. The K3V280SH pump is built with corrosion-resistant materials and offers enhanced protection against harsh conditions such as saltwater exposure. It is designed to withstand high pressures and extreme operating temperatures.